Below are my first-authored HCI publications that I have led from start to finish, including study design and analysis (both qualitative + quantitative).
Click the arrow (⌵) to find out more about each project.

🏆 = Best Paper Award
🏅 = Best Paper Honourable Mention
📢 = Mentioned by keynote speaker


Collaborative Playlists around the World: A Cross-Cultural User Study

TISMIR 2024 (Journal publication)
Park, S.Y., Lee, J.H., Laplante, A., Hu, X., & Kaneshiro, B.


Cross-Cultural Exploration of Music Sharing

CSCW 2022 [Average Acceptance Rate: 26%]
Park, S.Y., Lee, K.Y., and Lee, J.H.


Hitting Pause: How User Perceptions of Collaborative Playlists Evolved in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic

CHI 2022 [Acceptance Rate: 25%]
Park, S.Y., Redmond, E., Berger, J., and Kaneshiro, B.


User perspectives on critical factors for collaborative playlists

PLOS One 2022
Park, S.Y. and Kaneshiro, B.


Decoding Nonverbal Online Actions: How They Are Used and Interpreted

Design Thinking Research (Springer Book Chapter) 2021
Park, S.Y., Whiting, M.E., & Shanks, M.


Social Music Curation That Works: Insights from Successful Collaborative Playlists

CSCW 2021 [Average Acceptance Rate: 26%]
Park, S.Y. and Kaneshiro, B.


Lost in Co-curation: Uncomfortable Interactions and the Role of Communication in Collaborative Music Playlists

CSCW 2021 [Average Acceptance Rate: 26%]
Park, S.Y. and Lee, S.W.


Armed in ARMY: A Case Study of How BTS Fans Successfully Collaborated to #MatchAMillion for Black Lives Matter

CHI 2021 [Acceptance Rate: 26%]
Park, S.Y., Santero, N., Kaneshiro, B., and Lee, J.H.


Beyond Zooming there: Understanding nonverbal interaction online

MSR New Future of Work 2020
Park, S.Y. and Whiting, M. E.


🏅 What a Driver Wants: User Preferences in Semi-Autonomous Vehicle Decision-Making

CHI 2020 [Acceptance Rate: 24%; Top 5%]
Park, S.Y., Moore, D., & Sirkin, D.


📢 Tunes Together: Perception and Experience of Collaborative Playlists

ISMIR 2019
Park S.Y., Laplante, A., Lee, J.H. & Kaneshiro, B. 


🏆 “Human Chef” to “Computer Chef”: Culinary Interactions Framework for Understanding HCI in the Food Industry

HCII 2017 [Acceptance Rate 28.3%; Top 1%]
Park S.Y., Kim S., & Leifer L.